How Is Odysseus A Hero

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Pages: 4

Odysseus, the main protagonist of the epic poem “The Odyssey,” is shown to go through a perilous journey back to his home, Ithaka. In many publications, protagonists are often brave and courageous heroes that show countless admirable traits. However, Odysseus is remarkably the opposite. Although fans of Odysseus may actually argue and over exaggerate that he is an extremely admirable hero, he demonstrates multiple instances in the epic poem proving himself as an immoral and weak hero. The first instance I have to prove my opinion, is the fact he would have died by now without the divine help from gods, goddesses, and people he met on his journey. We see Hermes say in “The Odyssey,” “ ‘But I can tell you what to do/to come unchanged from Kirke’s power/and …show more content…
Finally, my last point is that he simply has excessive pride, also called hubris. Although it is normal for humans, even heroes, to have pride, Odysseus has an excessive amount of pride. For example, Odysseus said, “ ‘Kyklops,/if ever a mortal man inquire/how you were put to shame and blinded, tell him/Odysseus, raider of cities, took your eye:/Laertes’s son, whose home’s on Ithaka!’ ” (Fitzgerald, Book 9. Lines 548-552). Right after this line, the Kyklops curses at him, which is granted by Zeus. If he hadn’t said those unnecessary words which only boosted his ego and just stayed humble of his achievement, he wouldn’t have had a ten year voyage home from Poseidon’s vengeance for the Kyklops. My second example was when Odysseus decided to hear the Siren. Evidence is stated as, “... I alone should listen to their song.” (Fitzgerald, Book 12. Lines 193-194. Here, he only allows himself to listen to the song, which is extremely unnecessary. Listening to the Sirens’ song only puts him and his shipmates’ lives at