How Oil Contaminates Affecting Newbor Newborn's Life

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Pages: 4

Oil contaminates have hurt a large percent of newborn marine life. Oil contaminates will make surviving for newborns harder. This is important to know because if a sea turtle hatches by an oil soaked beach, oil will get into their eyes and make it difficult for them to find the ocean. This will make them easier prey to any predators around that area. Then if the oil gets on their flippers it will either make them stick to their body or just weigh them down. If their flippers stick to their body this will also make it more difficult for the newborn sea turtles to find the ocean because they will not be able to move as well as not being covered with oil. Many of the newborn sea turtles will most likely die from exhaustion or being some animals prey. …show more content…
Seal pups are another example of newborn aquatic life being affected by oil spills. When seals are first born they have to rely on their fur for warmth. When a seal pup gets into oil this will affect them in 4 ways. The first way it will affect the seal pup is when the oil gets on their fur. The oil will reduce the insulation the seal pup is getting from its fur and because of this the seal pup will die of hypothermia. The second way oil affects sea pups is because the oil will be sticky, so their flippers will get stuck to the sides of them making is harder for them to escape from predators. Also the seal pups will drown because the sticky oil is making it hard for them to maneuver around in the water. When a seal pup gets soaked in oil this will mask their scent. This is important because the parent relies on the seal pups scent to know that it is her baby. This will lead to rejection and abandonment causing the seal pup to die from