How Should Polyphemus Be Punished For The Odyssey

Words: 253
Pages: 2

36.7% of people that commit violent crimes walk away without punishment (Statista Research Department). Letting Odysseus leave court unpunished would add to that number. When you do something wrong, you should be punished for your actions. Odysseus must be held accountable for the crime he committed. Polyphemus deserves justice for what happened to him. Polyphemus should receive reparations for the damages, because Odysseus tricked him, blinded him, and ate his food.

Polyphemus should receive compensation for Odysseus stabbing him in the eye and blinding him. Polyphemus, a kind and gentle giant, returned home one day to find Odysseus and his men eating his food. Polyphemus, shocked and scared, questioned the man. Odysseus eventually tricked