Abroad, I found a part of myself that I had never known it existed. I was meeting not only people from the United States, but from all around the world. It was really fun and challenging to travel, but the hard part about it was the parting of my mother back to Egypt and leaving me with my uncle. She had no other choice, but to leave me, since I had my dad, brother, and sisters back in Egypt. Mothers always and forever love their kids, but the poor lady didn’t have a better choice than leaving me, but unfortunately she knows that it’s the best for me. The separation between her and me is obviously one of the hardships that I’m facing right now during my high school career. But one day I will make the lady that had challenged difficulties for me proud someday. That’s what life is all about challenges and hardships and that’s what we all go through. In reality, it seems impossible to leave your own country, family, and belongings to travel to a new place and settle, but technically it had happened to me. My mother wanted me to have a whole lifestyle of learning, not limited by the resources or the place. Through studying abroad, I evolved from a shy, stand in the back of