They need huge amounts of willpower and discipline in order to be performed properly.
The first time you perform a set of squats to failure, you'll know exactly what I'm talking about.
Even from a technical point of view they are a challenging exercise for muscle building.
Ultimately, squats are THE most effective, growth-inducing exercise for muscle building that you can do.
Due to their high level of difficulty, they force your body to release higher amounts of important anabolic hormones like testosterone and growth hormone, packing on more size and strength to your lower body than any other exercise for muscle building. …show more content…
Not to mention that this exercise for muscle building also has a "spillover effect" that helps you to perform better in all your other exercises.
I've experienced this myself. When I first began squatting to failure, the poundage that I could bench was upped by 20 pounds almost instantaneously.
Now that you're looking for an exercise for muscle building, you'd best get started with the squat.
The squat really, really works.
It's critical to experience the benefits of heavy squatting if you are serious about lifting.
Too many bodybuilders will come up with practically a mountain of excuses to steer clear of the squat rack.
Too many times I've heard people say "It's too hard on my knees" or "Squats stunt your growth, don't they?".
What is my answer to them?
That's BS.
If you really want to maximize your total body muscle gains, exercise for muscle building is something you have to do.
Proper Squatting Technique
For safety purposes, you should only perform your squats in a power rack or cage.
That way, you are able to change the height at which you clear the bar, and you have the power to let go of the bar on the safety pins if you need to get