INSTRUCTION: please tick ( ) inside chosen box
SECTION 1: PERSONAL DATA 1) Name: optional……………………………………………………………… 2) Sex : a) Male [ ] b) Female [ ] 3) Age : i) 18-29 [ ] (ii) 30-39 [ ] (iii) 40-49 [ ] iv) 50 and above [ ] 4) Marital status: a) Married [ ] b) single [ ] c) divorced [ ] c) Widowed [ ] d) separated [ ] 5) Academic Qualification:
a)WAEC/GCE [ ]
b)OND/NCE [ ]
c)HND/B.SC [ ]
d) Other Qualification [ ] 6) Years of Experience: a) 0-2 [ ] b) 3-5 [ ] c) 6-10 [ ] d) 11 and above [ ] SECTION TWO 6) What was your rank on entry?................................... 7) Current post or rank please specify……………………………. 8) Which department are you working in?........................ 9) Have you work in any other department? a) Yes [ ] b) No [ ] 10) Does your MTN engage in any form of employees training and development program? a) Yes [ ] b) No [ ] 11) What method of training and development does MTN use? a) On – the- job training method [ ] b) Off –the –job training method [ ] c) Simulated [ ] d) Both [ ] 12) How often do you conduct training and development program? a) Every six (6) months [ ] b) Every year [ ] c) Every five years [ ] d) Specify if otherwise ………………………………….. 13) Who do you send for the course? a) Junior staff [ ] b) Senior staff [ ] c) Supervisor [ ] d) Manager [ ] e) All of the above [ ] 14) Does your organization have policy on employees training? a) Yes [ ] b) No [ ] 15) If your answer to the above is yes, please state the policy………………………………………………………………………… 16) What are the category of staff level in MTN a) Top management [ ] b) Middle management [ ] c) Supervisory [ ] d) Junior staff [ ] 17) What are the major problems in the organization? a) Lack of tools [ ] b) Lack of training [ ] c) Lack of renumeration [ ] 18) What are the courses offered during training and development programme?
a) Technical courses [ ]
b) Administrative courses [ ]
c) Both [ ] 19) Does training and development improve skills and knowledge of manpower in service organization? a) Yes [ ] b) No [ ]
20) Does training and development improve