The trains are required by law to honk their horns coming onto a intersection. If you get into a situation that you are stuck on the tracks as a train is not coming you should try to get your car off as fast as you can. If there is a train coming you run diagonally away from the train to try to get them to stop as soon as they can.You and everyone in the car must leave as fast as you can and get far away from the track’s. If you get away you will have a less chance of getting hit by debris. There arereasons the arms, lights, and bells ring. They are to get you to realize that their is a giant tank coming at you at 50 mph. The time it takes it will be way too late. In the first video it said that when you get hit by a train all they will need is a sandwich bag to get all the body parts. Even if you are not in a car tracks are so dangerous. If you go passed the arms you will most likely be