How To Write A Book Report On To Kill A Mockingbird

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I am reading To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee, and I am on page 101. This book is about Jem and Scout start finding objects in the hole of a tree. Dill comes back for the summer and Jem suggests that they play Boo Radley. Scout is worried about people seeing them, especially since Atticus suspects something. The kids go to the Radley house and try to give Boo a note. They are almost caught and Jem leaves his pants at the house. When he comes back, they are neatly folded on the fence. The last thing that happened is that Miss Maudie’s house caught on fire. Atticus helped out and Scout got a blanket from Boo Radley. In this journal I will be evaluating.
Atticus treats everyone in the town extremely well. He treats Calpurnia and the Cunninghams
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Because of that, he is accepting of the fact that they are a poorer family and he likes to help them because he knows they never take anything they cannot somehow pay back. One more reason Atticus treats the Cunninghams well is that he makes sure everyone else is respectful to them. When Scout fights with Walter and criticizes him, Calpurnia scolds her in the kitchen and Atticus makes sure she knows not to do that again. This shows that he he is kind to them because he will not let anyone be disrespectful to the family of people who he knows are good. Atticus also treats Scout and Jem very well. This shows in how he punishes them. He never gets mad or shouts at them. Jem even says he cannot remember the last time Atticus whipped him. This proves that he treats them well because he does not use violence to punish them. Instead, he is stern but forgiving. He comes up with creative ways to punish them, like tricking Jem into telling the truth. Atticus is clever with his punishments, so I know he cares about his kids because he never makes them feel rejected or bad about themselves. He teaches them a lesson every time they do something wrong. When he teaches them a lesson, he is