I do this when choosing which classes to take and how much of a course load I can take and be successful at. All this depends on if a person works full time, part time, receives scholarships, has young children, and good health. It starts with our end goal of why we are going to college in the first place. Then a person needs to investigate syllabi guidelines and decide how to break down assignments into steps of action in their agenda. I decided to take all the prerequisites required prior to nursing school to allow myself as much immersion into each subject. This slow but steady approach boosted my belief that I would be successful at attaining my big goal. Thinking critically daily by looking for ways to improve our health outcomes by exerting some self-control over our choices. I had to start eating healthier, and exercising more on a daily basis to maintain my health goals. I use a fit bit and have a daily food menu plan schedule I stick to that makes me feel my best. When I break from my plan I don’t feel as energized. It helps me to focus on why I am making the food or exercise choices I am. Keeping my positive reasons for committing to my lifestyle changes forefront in my mind make it easier for me to keep it