How Whistle-Boeing Is Beneficial To Society

Words: 469
Pages: 2

Whistle-blowing refers to current or former employees revealing illegal, unethical, or unlawful organizational activities to groups that they believe can put an end to it (Parboteeah and Cullen 2013;179). Parboteeah and Cullen (2013;179) also believes that it is a major key component of an ethical organization and its relationship to employees.
According to Parboteeah and Cullen (2013;179), many believe that whistle-blowing can be seen as a beneficial activity and that it has some advantages for society as well as the company taking part. The example Parboteeah and Cullen (2013;179) used for showcasing the benefit for society was an example where whistle-blowing can prevent dangerous or faulty products from reaching the marketplace.
Whistle-blowing can not only be beneficial to society, but to the organization as well. A primary way that fraud can be detected in an organization is through whistle-blowing tips (Parboteeah and Cullen 2013;179). A company can consign ethical problems before the problem escalates by having a good internal whistle-blowing program. This prevents loss and reputational damages to the company (Parboteeah and Cullen 2013;179).
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Whistle-blowing is beneficial to the company, as suggested by Varelius in Parboteeah and Cullen (2013;179). He states that whistle-blowing helps prevent future wrong doing by the company that may eventually lead to the company getting hurt and that whistle-blowing is not necessarily opposed against being loyal to one’s company (Parboteeah and Cullen