Including the team on changes within the organization, decisions, and planning will make the feel valued. Make the team feel they are part of the decision making in the organization. Along with maintaining a Good reputation with the organization. A good reputation starts with way you treat your team members and your overall performance. The third strategy to treating people with dignity is recognition for performance. For example, team Contributions such as performance, assignment completed, or working long hours need to be recognized in order for the team stay motivated. A team with low Motivation and members with low self-esteem tends to lag in everything. Thompson 2014 states, many people gladly will extend themselves for project if they believe their contributions will be recognized. A team with low motivation tends to come to work late and have sluggish performance. This is when I will step in and listen to the team and their concerns about other members or something personal. All it takes is an open ear because team members are human and need some compassion shown from the