Hrm 531 Week 2 Teamwork Paper

Words: 545
Pages: 3

A decrease in productivity, sales, or customer service is frustrating for any business, regardless of industry, and improving business performance requires reexamining business processes. Finding out what issues are keeping your departments from performing at optimal levels are keys to a more efficient operation. As a leading provider of cloud CRM, Soffront Software is expertly adept at business workflow and communication and presents some common business performance issues and potential solutions.

Why is my team underperforming?

There are many underlying issues that might be at the root of poor performance in a customer relationship driven industry. Even with a great customer relationship management system, internal issues can still affect
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The difficult part is in really looking for them; by the time you get wind of them at the higher level, the problems between your management and your sales support team may be too widespread to deal with.

How can I find out what's going on?

Communication is both the key to finding out why your team is not performing at peak level as well as the first step to repairing the problem.

-Talk to your team. Clear the air by trying to understand where the problems lie. Are your managers supportive of business processes? Is your sales support team receptive to upper management's guidance?

-Talk to your management. Are they communicating the company's goals and directives clearly and concisely? How are they communicating with their team to exemplify the high standards that you expect?

-Talk to your entire sales support staff. Are they listening to their customer base? Do they feel like they have the right customer support software to help them deal with customer issues? Are they being shown what the right customer relationship management tools can really do for them? Are managers and staff working together to ensure that the business is achieving its