Human Service Agency Profile Form July 2014 Essay

Submitted By Dan8865
Words: 528
Pages: 3

College of Social Sciences
Bachelor of Science in Human Services
Human Service Agency Profile Form

The Field Experience portion of the BSHS program requires experience within a human services agency setting. The primary purpose of the Field Experience requirement is to provide the student with appropriate opportunities to use and develop his or her skills. The student is also expected to learn about the agency’s organizational structure, treatment practices, and services offered. He or she is required to perform a minimum of 175 hours of agency­related volunteer work for each 15 week Field Experience course, in order to successfully complete their program.
Field Experience courses include 30 hours spent in UOPX workshops.

Field Experience requires cooperation between the student, the agency supervisor, and the
UOPX faculty member teaching the Field Experience courses. In consultation with the UOPX faculty member, the student is required to develop a set of Student Learning Objectives. The student must present these objectives to the agency supervisor, for review to determine appropriateness, and for revision if necessary. The student’s performance in the Field
Experience course will be measured in part by the degree to which he or she has achieved the
Student Learning Objectives.

The agency supervisor listed below is the person directly related to the student’s volunteer work at the agency. The agency supervisor will perform a minimum of two formal evaluations of the student’s performance on the evaluation forms provided by the University of Phoenix.

Section A:
Student name Karon Hill_

IRN 9066222693_

Address _1911 Palma Pita St

_ Online Campus
Version 1 Updated 02/2014

Section B: Agency nameChilden on the Mend, Inc. _

Address 2000 Didsbu Cicle_


Section C:
Agency supervisor Venetta Kinnad­ Shirley Brown Title

Founder Out reach

Highest Degree Level BA
972­815­7165 _ Agency Supervisor Email,

Section D: Will both FE experiences take place within same agency? [ Yes] No st

1 FE start date Feb. 2015 _

End date
May 25,2015_

End date _


2 FE start date _ Section E:
Expected hours per week 12 _ Online Campus
Version 1 Updated 02/2014

Student’s job title Volunteer_

General responsibilities: Case Management
{x} Caseload

Client Referrals

[x] Documentation


Grant Writing
