Human Trafficking In Canada

Words: 926
Pages: 4

Human trafficking is one of the most underreported crimes in all of Canada. Human trafficking occurs for one of three reasons: loss of identity, being forced into it and/or being brainwashed. This subject has become very taboo which is why bringing this much attention and educating people is extremely important. To this day human trafficking is one of the only crimes in Canada that isn't declining. This essay will highlight the psychological, emotional, and physical aspects of human trafficking as well as ways to deal with this trauma.While the best known purpose for human trafficking is sexual exploitation, many victims in all different countries are trafficked for reasons such as forced labour, domestic servitude, child begging, and unsanctioned …show more content…
More and more media coverage has allowed victims to feel more secure talking about their experiences which will hopefully allow other victims to come forward with their stories. Globally, the average cost of a slave in 90 dollars. This means someone can buy another person's life for less than one hundred dollars and use the person’s body for their own needs. Human trafficking may come in all different types of forms. Victims of human trafficking can range from newborns to elders. Age does not usually matter. A person is a person no matter how old. Today, there are approximately 20 to 30 million slaves worldwide who do not have a say about what happens to them. Human trafficking is the third largest crime industry in the world following illegal drugs and arms trafficking. These facts prove that human trafficking is not only a horrendous crime, but it also is a growing industry worth billions of dollars. (Dupere, …show more content…
During this, all victims experience broken bones, concussions, burns, bruises, etc. As mentioned before, victims get beaten for not following orders and are constantly being thrown around as objects. Because of this bruises, scars, cuts and burns often occur on the bodies of these victims. As a consequence of the numerous amount of sex victims have against their own will, many come in contact with sexually transmitted diseases such as AIDS, STI, HIV, etc. that causes fatal risks to their own health. These diseases come in contact because of the sleazy acts being forced onto the