Human Trafficking Research Paper

Words: 576
Pages: 3

Human trafficking has been recognized as a problem all over the globe. There are different reasons for trafficking: sex, labor, and organs. Individuals who fall victim to human trafficking were promised a job abroad or in their own country, but then become a part of this ring. These victims are passed from client to client all over the world for either sex or labor. Any revenue that they make is immediately given to their pimp so their debt can be paid off and they’ll be freed. Pimps give them false hope that their debt would ever be paid off and will be exploited until they die. This is a major social injustice that affects more than 12.3 million people. Their freedoms are stripped, mental stabilities are destroyed and become infested with diseases. People must identify the signs of human trafficking and act accordingly. Pimps usually find victims who are unemployed and are from low-income areas. They promise them an amazing opportunity for work and provide for their family, but that is a ruse. Once they receive a person’s passport, IDs, and social …show more content…
They become addicted to drugs and whenever they receive their fix, they become zombies. All they do is complete the tasks that are given and then rewarded with a dosage. Also with the debt that they have and the little hope of escaping they are under immense economic stress. Soon they lose their own morals in order to get closer to their goal, but the debt will always continue to grow. This why human trafficking is such a huge social injustice because pimps make the victims into drug addicts and put them under immense stress, so their mental stabilities are destroyed. Also, most victims are too afraid to return home because they believe their family would reject them, which can also take a toll on a person’s mental stability. Also due to human trafficking, mostly sex, victims obtain multiple STDs which can kill