Human Trafficking Research Paper

Words: 1816
Pages: 8

The idea of human trafficking has to be one of the most horrific things in the world. It takes away everything that a person is and makes them into an item with a dollar sign in a market that needs to be eliminated for good. This kind of morality is an awful situation we deal with in our world. The outcome of people who are being human trafficked usually have negative side effects, both mental and physical, as well as health problems. In this world human trafficking is an issue among all people, especially women, due to poverty, lack of employment, and removal of organs; We need to have prevention and intervention for people whom have been trafficked and justice for those who fell victim to this horrible reality.
The perception of human trafficking
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Deane states “Poverty, coupled with high unemployment rates, is the major factor contributing towards a person's’ vulnerability to being trafficked” (Deane. 2010. pg. 495). Finding these kind of opportunities can lead up to being human trafficked, which is a major issue when it comes for women trying to find employment opportunities. However, in many third world countries many women cannot work or are limited jobs for them. These countries would rather give the job a to man rather than a woman. According to Smith “This definition of trafficking focuses on deception and fraud and excludes those migrants that willingly accept the risks inherent in extralegal migration in exchange for better employment opportunities” (Smith. 2011. p 272). Deceiving these women for wanting better employment opportunities is a violation towards morality. Also many decisions for women to go along with being bought to do sexual exploitation, is usually because they are desperate for money. Since all the employment opportunities are taken by men. According to Deane “Trafficking in women is a complex issue with many factors that affect a woman’s decision to go abroad. Perhaps one strong factor arises out of a desperate economic situation, which impacts the availability of suitable employment for women more severely than for men” (Deane. 2010. pg. 492). The idea for women to be financially secured is tough, especially …show more content…
She had to perform sexual acts towards different men. She was sold to a man that was 43 years old. These people exploited this young girl. When she had the courage to escape from her buyer, she ended up killing the man. Our system has failed us when comes to helping people who has been trafficked. For Brown she was eligible for parole in 69 years. Instead of sentencing her to prison as an adult, the system should have sent her to an intervention program that can help with her traumatic event in her hart explained he believes in the principle of fairness. How can someone have fairness if they are sent to prison for a long time, so they can protect themselves from someone was abusing them sexually. We need to protect people who are being trafficked in the