Humanity In Lord Of The Flies Research Paper

Words: 674
Pages: 3

For 6 million years (Howell 1), humans and other species have coexisted on Earth. But recently it seems that humanity is harming all life on the planet. The undeniably real concepts of global warming and climate change have not only been accelerated by humans, but have now begun to affect everyone and everything on the planet. In the last 25 years, humans have “destroyed a tenth of Earth’s remaining wilderness and there may be none left within a century if trends continue” (Vaughan 1). Humanity has not only sabotaged its own future but also the futures of every other being on the planet, which is why humanity is the beast.Humanity is the beast because it has little compassion for the wilderness and it has impulsively destroyed it. Forests …show more content…
Thanks to the growing human population, the main cause of deforestation is now to make space for agricultural needs such as raising livestock and growing crops. More than 20 percent of the population relies on food and fresh water from these forests, but humanity has foolishly ignored the consequences of destroying these wilderness areas: it won’t be able to reap the benefits for much longer. By bringing destruction to forests, experts predict that within a century there will be no wilderness left to utilize. An example of humanity impulsively destroying the wilderness if in Lord of the Flies, where the boys not only set fire to the island once, but twice. When the boys first arrived on the island, they had a meeting and decided to start a fire, despite the fact that they didn’t know how to control a fire. The second time the island was set on fire was when Jack burned the island just to find Ralph. These fictional and real world examples show how humanity doesn’t think about consequences before it destroys the wilderness. One thing humans have undoubtedly accelerated is global warming. Global warming is the average rise in temperature of the earth It makes sense that global warming affects everything on the planet, such as the sea levels rising, more specie becoming endangered and more and more natural disasters