Hysterectomy On Abortion

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Pages: 4

Do you think abortion should ever be a good idea? Abortion has been around for a long time, some feel as if it has never been the right choice to some human. Abortion is a medical procedure that comes in different forms. People all around the world believe abortion is bad. Abortion is a bad choice because, it takes innocent lives of unborn children. More than fifty percent of pregnancies among the U.S. are unintended pregnancies and half of these “unintended” pregnancies are terminated by abortion. There are two types of abortion in the world. One type of abortion is done surgically which the procedure is done to kill the baby in utero. The second type of abortion is done chemically, the surgeons put either potassium chloride, salt water or urea …show more content…
If the head is to big then the child’s head must be crushed. Dilation and Extraction (D&X) used in the 2nd and 3rd trimester. The cervix is dilated. Forceps extract the live baby by the feet until the head is just in the cervix. Scissors then puncture the skull, allowing the doctor to follow it with a vacuuming tool, suctioning all the contents that the baby had left. But that method is illegal in the United States. Hysterectomy is also used as a method. It is used in the last three months of pregnancy where the baby is abdominal cord is cut, cutting off all oxygen supply to the fetus, which causes suffocation. The 5th method is “Intracardinal-Injection, this method is performed at four months. The chemicals are then inserted into the baby’s heart. This causes the fetus’ heart to immediately stop. Then later the baby’s body is reabsorbed by the mother. There are about 4 more methods but are less common in the United States. There has been a large number of abortion cases throughout the world. Into the 3rd trimester or 25wks another way to put it. It is either spontaneous (procedure) or induced abortion (the pill). In countries around the world abortions are legal, unlike other countries abortion are