INFS202 Reflection

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Pages: 2

Throughout my studies, I have found two subjects that I have really enjoyed and excelled at. I completed both of these subjects last semester and obtained a Distinction and High Distinction for completing them, making them both a highly enjoyable and rewarding experience. I believe the knowledge gained from these subjects will allow me to excel as a Telstra Summer Vacationer as it has helped to develop my skills of critical thinking, problem solving, teamwork, time management and research.

The first subject is INFS2001, which is also known as Information Systems for performance improvement. I enjoyed this subject as it taught me many unique methods to model a particular system’s processes and devise ways to make them more efficient and effective. Furthermore, I had 3 major in class group assessments, which required me to work in a team to model and
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From this experience, I have come to enjoy working with others to achieve common goals, especially when there is a lot of critical thinking and problem solving involved. I believe that this skill will allow me to work well with other interns and staff to complete group projects to the best of my ability and add value to your organisation by contributing my thoughts and ideas.

My second favourite subject in this semester was INFS2020, which is also known as Business Process Modelling and Improvement. I enjoyed this subject, as it required a lot of research in order to complete the assignments that I was assigned. This subject required me to apply lecture content to the case studies provided in our assignments, which primarily revolved around Telstra’s operations. Throughout the semester, I was required to complete activities completely from scratch, such as developing an Information Architecture Matrix or applying different analytic tools to improve their current