ISIS Synthesis Essay

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Pages: 2

The United States prevalence is not the only evidence or incentive that ISIS uses to propagate the end times. A major part of the end times includes as sectorial war, like the one that occurred soon after the prophet’s death. Sunni and Shite Muslims fight over how the end times will happen, and “each sect vies to destroy the other for the privilege of destroying the infidels (McCants 111).” ISIS is thereby even more successful because it allows people to fight their life religious rival; their own end times ideology and to dominate the end of times wars against the Rome’s coalition. Dangers of sectarian impulses can be seen when the then current leader of Iraqi “Maliki was free to indulge his worst sectarian impulses, and he rapidly and ruthlessly repressed Iraq’s Sunni minority, imprisoning thousands of young men on no charges, thereby radicalizing the Sunnis who were not in prison (Filkins). …show more content…
These ideas can be diffused by more people, and its violence can be more widely implemented. Men are not the only ones attracted to these end of time battles under the victorious ISIS, victorious in part they are the first Caliphate since the end of the premodern era. Women come into the Islamic State to support the cause as well, and these women are jubilant that Islamic fighters are raping captured women (McCants 114). The support goes so far that Islamic State women violent punish other women for their attire (McCants 113). Muslim men and women have flocked to the Islamic States declaration of Caliphate and the soon to be end of times. Increased support increases the success of the Islamic State to live on and recruit even more