Ice Attack Narrative

Words: 552
Pages: 3

Ice Breaker

As musket balls soared my head, I crouched in the tall grass as the British charged us, I fired from my spot on the ground. BOOM! I love this one! Suddenly a cannonball smashed the ground next to me, sending me flying into the air. Musket balls zoomed past me as I flew through the air, I landed hard on the ground, and I blacked out. I woke up and found myself in a hospital field. By the way, my name is Benjamin. I am a Patriot and I fight for the Patriots. Today is December 24, 1776, and General Washington has planned to cross the Delaware River on December 26, 1776, or Christmas. I broke the ice in front of the boat that General Washington was riding on to the other side of the Delaware River. We are going to attack the Hessian
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General Washington thinks it will be a successful attack because the Germans are probably celebrating Christmas. The day is December 25, 1776, one day before the attack. We are preparing for the trip, everyone has a coat and shoes. We bring horses, guns, and most importantly, people. We are going to attack the Hessians, who are German soldiers that are camping near the Delaware River. That night I was thinking about whether the attack was going to be successful or not. I kept on rolling in my bed because if I did not break all the ice in front of General Washington's boat, then the boat could sink because of me. I was thinking about how I was supposed to break the ice. I thought on the positive side by thinking that if we made it, thousands of German soldiers would be captured. But as the night grew darker, I started thinking thoughts like what if we sank, and what if we got shot or cannonballed in the river? What if the ice was too thick to break, what if the Germans were not celebrating Christmas as General Washington thought they would be? We were all prepared to cross the Delaware River. This meant everyone had a good gun and some warm clothes. Some boats contained horses and cannons. Others contained troops and supplies. We were going to ambush the