ICT Feedback Log Essay

Submitted By nadirminar
Words: 3733
Pages: 15

Tell tale
D202 SPB 0912
Issue 1

These notes should be read in conjunction with the Chief Moderator’s Report for D202 which offers feedback on the most recent moderation series.
Before tackling the SPB, students should have acquired the appropriate ICT skills, knowledge and understanding as specified in the ‘What You Need To Learn’ and ‘ICT skills’ sections of the Unit 2 specification. Students must have access to a range of appropriate multimedia software (see pages 82/83 of the specification). Some suggestions can also be found at the end of this document.
The D202 SPB 0912 is valid for moderation in May and December 2013 and in May 2014.
Section 1: Using the SPB
Access and Navigation
The SPB is a complete, integrated digital publication and is intended to be accessed onscreen.
Although the links in the navigation bar are roughly in sequence, students should be reminded that one task often depends on one or more other tasks and they should make use of the interactive nature of the brief.
Where more than one page relates to a main task (such as the eportfolio), they appear as a submenu from the main link.
The symbol

at the top of each page allows students to print the page.

Mark Alerts
Indicated by the symbol
, each Mark Alert is a series of questions with tick boxes.
Clicking the symbol opens another web page and students may tick the questions on-screen or print the list and complete on paper. Students should check that they can tick off each item to help them ensure that they have met the requirements and that their work is fit for purpose. Section 2: What, where, who?
What evidence is required?
Students do not need to submit evidence of everything they do during their work on the project. They are asked to create named folders to store work for the eportfolio.
The symbol

indicates a task to be done.

The symbol indicates a stage where evidence must be saved for the eportfolio. There is also a checklist linked from the first eportfolio page.
Students should not be tempted to omit tasks which are not preceded by the symbol as they are crucial to success. A good example is an instruction to test a product or component.
It is not necessary for students to write long commentaries explaining how they achieved each task. Students must ensure that they present the product as clearly as possible, remembering that moderators will view all evidence on-screen.
Students MUST comply with copyright in their eportfolio. They should consider whether they have fully met this requirement. If not, it is not sufficient to simply acknowledge the sources. They must demonstrate their understanding of copyright issues and what would need to be done to make the products fit for use in the public domain. They must identify each individual asset which is an issue and explain what would need to be done to comply with copyright.
It is generally the case that suitable assets can be obtained from primary or copyright-free sources. The Moderator’s Toolkit
The Moderator’s Toolkit specifies the readers and players that all moderators will have available. It is each student’s responsibility to ensure that their eportfolio only includes files which can be read using the toolkit.
Some support documents are supplied as .rtf files. If students have made use of these documents, they must be converted to an acceptable file type for inclusion in the eportfolio.
The Moderator’s Toolkit is published on the Edexcel website. necessary. It will be updated when

Where does the work have to be carried out?
Work on the products themselves must be carried out within the controlled environment and the teacher must be able to authenticate each student’s complete eportfolio with confidence. However, there is much that can be done away from the controlled environment including: reviewing and updating the plan and progress log researching appropriate