Sammy is a 19-year-old teenage boy, who lives in a boring town where people do not care much about what happens around them and only follow the traditions. As Sammy says, “I bet you could set off dynamite in an A&P and the people would by and large keep reaching and checking oatmeal off their lists and muttering applesauce!” But Sammy is different. He does not want to be as dull and obedient as them. He longs for an …show more content…
The customers are described as “sheep”, implying their docility and indifference. They are members of “the System”, getting used to their everyday life. Sammy knows how they live and therefore, wants to make a change. The manager is not only the manager of A&P grocery, but also the keeper of “the System” and the tradition. He is kind and gentle to others, but sticks to the policy and principles. When Sammy asks to leave, though there’s “a kink in his eyebrow”, he still tries to persuade Sammy to stay. He represents the tradition of the