Imagery In The Rain Wolff's

Words: 1312
Pages: 6

Wolff’s language in this passage is distinct because it creates a picture in the readers’ minds with the flowery diction “crawled up and down” and “sang”. The details he includes of the room allow readers to place themselves in the story with Jack and his mother and demonstrate his style of not plainly stating the room was run down. Wolff’s purpose of this chapter is to begin by hinting to the readers Jack and his mother’s yearn for fortune, but their inability to run away from Roy prevents them. This passage reveals the larger theme of family since Jack runs away with his mother to follow her irrational dreams.
Wolff’s repetition of “dreams” in succession emphasis Jack’s desire to look forward to a better future in order
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The mentioning of a dog being pulled by a leash allows the readers to use their imagination and feel the way Jack was being tugged from his ear. The passage reveals the larger theme of deceit and how Jack’s ability to lie his way out of anything since his mother has been unable to fathom that her son commits crimes. The passage relates to the author’s purpose of demonstrating how Jack continues to break rules due to the fact that his mother will defend him even though the facts point to her son. This passage further emphasizes Mrs. Wolff’s love for her troubled son.
Wolff’s language stands out in this passage by emphasizing Jack’s issues and how Dwight despises him for that through the repetition of the phrase “The trouble with me was”. The tone in this passage is disappointed which further exposes Wolff’s purpose of showing the struggles of coming of age and dealing with a step-parent. The passage reflects the author’s style of repeating phrases to achieve the intended emotion of displeased and to force readers to sympathize with Jack.
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The tone in this passage is one of hate as Jack reflects on his past relationship with his step-father. The intense emotion that Wolff places on this sentence makes reader’s question how a parent can be as cruel as Dwight. Moreover, it forces readers to question the type of man that Dwight was attempting to form Jack into. The passage reflects the author’s style of writing the truth of his emotions directly rather than taking the readers on a ride before revealing how Jack felt. The passage reflects the larger theme of guilt turning into the man that he