Imani Boyette Essay

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Kylie Knoll Mrs. Pratt English IV Online 07 April 2024 Alienation Due to each of the individuals’ experiences being very sad and/or traumatic, it caused them to live their lives with a distinct form of disconnection from society resulting in extreme loneliness and the inability to escape it. Imani Boyette is a 22 year old athlete in the WNBA. Imani was sexually abused as a child by one of her family members, which led to severe depression later on in her life. She gives us an insight of what it was like by describing “the days when she can’t even get out of bed or brush her teeth”. It’s as if she were in a straight jacket, she says, screaming in a soundproof room where no one can hear her, even her husband. Soon the screams are more like echoes and she …show more content…
When Estelle left, it was like losing half of herself. She didn’t know how to function and could barely even breathe. That feeling never fully went away and she found herself stuck in the loneliness of life without him. Similar to Estelle’s situation, Jim lost his wife. The author claims that “Jim aged badly after she died, became a lesser man, never quite able to breathe back in all the air that had gone out of him. When he sat in the hospital that night, life felt like an icy crevice, he lost his grip on the edge and slipped down into the darkness inside him” (Backman 201). After Jim’s wife died, he was left alone and lost. He didn’t know what to do and let the loneliness take hold of him. His wife was the one person that held him together and kept him on track, so when she passed, he slipped into a dark hole. All in all, each of the experiences that these people went through contributed to their alienation. Each of them experiences something sad or traumatic that causes them to become stuck, never really moving on from what happened. This leads them to a dark and lonely place, separated from the rest of society. Works Cited Backman, F. (2023). Anxious