For the purpose of confidentially, my chosen client for this assignment will be called Mr. A (NMC, 2008). According to DOH (2009) consent must be given voluntarily and freely, without any pressure or under influenced being exerted on the person either to accept or refuse treatment. Due to this the author was able to gain consent from the chosen client by informing him of the purpose of the use of his information and he was happy for his information to be used.
Background of Case Study Subject
The case study subject is Mr A, a white British male, born in 1990. He has a working diagnosis of Aspergers Syndrome, Emotional instability, personality Disorder, Mild- learning Disability and chronic psychotic illness. Mr A presented with behavioural and social difficulties when he was 4 years old, demonstrating with challenging and disruptive behaviour, social isolation and inability to follow social rules. He has never have contacts with his biological father and has experience domestic violence with his mother’s partner. During Mr A’s first school he set fire to a peer’s hair and was therefore referred to a special school for child and adolescent with mental health. The placement wasn’t successful he was then referred to Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHS) unit where he continued to set fire, self-harm and isolated himself. The subject was therefore detained under section 37 of the Mental Health Act (1983) amended (2007) and is currently in a Low Secure Unit.
Current Presentation
Mr A. is currently presenting with challenging and tactile behaviour and also lacks appreciation of personal space. He also exhibits extreme mood swings such as; displaying with complex behaviours difficulties, getting confused when things are not proper explained which increased his level of anxiety leading to challenging behaviours in the form of verbal and physical aggression towards his fellow peers and staff. Mr A can also be isolative complaining of social difficulties with his fellow peers and does not seems to engage with peers on the ward, preferring instead to be solitary and listening to his music in his bedroom. However Mr. A does not pose a significant risk of physical harm to other clients on the ward.
An effective mental health management strategy for clients with a poor mental health diagnosis is underpinned by an informed assessment of the client’s needs and the subsequent formulation of a valid intervention strategy. Any proposed mental health management strategy has to take into account the context of the client’s diagnosis with consideration of the various biological, psychological, social and political factors. These factors may affect the client singularly, or they may affect the client in a complex interaction of two or more factors.
An evidence-based treatment approach to mental health and intellectual disability needs should be centred on the individual client. An effective assessment and care planning for mental health and intellectual disability clients should thus be needs-led and