Immanuel Kant Essay

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Pages: 5

Immanuel Kant, I.A. Richards and Laura Mulvey are all relatable critics. All of these critics reference the sublime and as to what we think is both beautiful and inspirational. Kant is a critic that deals with the beautiful and the sublime. In From Critique of Judgement, Kant argues that the beautiful is anything that creates a feeling of beauty for you. While he believes the sublime is anything that creates a feeling of beauty and at the same time inspires you. Kant believes both of these judgements go hand and hand. Though, he feels the sublime just merely also adds a feeling of inspiration. I.A. Richards deals with the sublime and how it relates to certain types of people. Richards feels that a very hungry person will eat practically any …show more content…
She touches on how the sublime relates to what is seen on screen in Hollywood. She feels that it is a great way to lure in a specific audience. In Visual Pleasure and Narrative Cinema, Mulvey feels that Hollywood narrative films incorporate women with the sole purpose in mind of providing a visual experience that is pleasurable for men. In other words, this relates to the sublime because men see women as beautiful based off natural attraction and Hollywood cinema incorporates women as focal points in their films in order to inspire men to see them. She feels that these films always portray the women as on object of …show more content…
Sutter’s junketeering ways outweigh his other traits. This can be seen as his own personal fault though because he is the one attending all-expense paid junkets merely for just the free food and drinks. Though, J. Sutter does flip this situation into a positive one by challenging himself to see how many of these junkets he can attend in a row. It is ironic how to what seemed like a selfish and greedy situation could turn into inspirational one for J. Sutter. With the inspirational component of J. Sutter’s character arising, came the sublime aspect as well. As initially J. Sutter attended the events for their “beauty” but they ended up inspiring him to be