Immigrant Benefits

Words: 1514
Pages: 7

The benefits of Immigrants working in the U.S. Do immigrants help the economy? Yes, even though a lot of people think that illegal immigrants take citizens jobs away. Do you ever wonder who built the home your are living in now? Most of the construction going on in our countries are thanks to immigrants. They migrate from their home countries and come all the way over here to to work the hard labor most Americans will not do. Illegal immigrants migrate to the United States to live better lives, to give their children a better chance at being successful, and to remove themselves from the everyday violence. When people migrate to the United States they come to live a better life and attempt to achieve the American Dream. Immigrants work in all types of occupations such as construction, engineering, and teachers to make money. Immigrants play a valuable role in our communities and our economies as neighbors, friends, and family members. They work really hard to obtain what they want. According to Americas Quarterly just like Emma Lazarus said “give me your Tired, your poor/your huddled masses yearning to breathe free/the wretched refuse of your teeming shore”. This means that illegal immigrants work super hard to accomplish and be better in life. A lot of other immigrants can relate to them. Whenever immigrants improve their …show more content…
This includes safer lives for their children and them, this is the reason why parents bring their children to the United States. According to New York times Lydia stated “I am afraid I will go out and never come back”, immigrants are afraid to walk in México streets. They are sure that they want to come to the United states where there is a safer environment. By allowing people to migrate into the United States this allows for people to raise a family without having fear in the back of their head that the drug violence can affect their