Immigrant Community: SB4 Case Study

Words: 1833
Pages: 8

In the state of Texas, a Latino man gets abruptly stopped by a police officer for no apparent reason. The officer with no reasonable suspicion asks about the man’s immigration status which the man responds with a fearful no. The man can now face deportation and separation from his family. Word gets around and creates fear of local law enforcement in immigrant communities. Now when they see that interacting with an officer can end in deportation, they won’t report crime. In Texas, SB4 allows local law enforcement to ask anyone for their immigration status, and officers who do not comply can be removed. (Vertuno) An important segment of SB4 would ban sanctuary cities. Sanctuary cities help preserve a bond between immigrants and local law enforcement. In a sanctuary city, local law enforcement can ignore detainer requests by ICE so that …show more content…
Sanctuary cities exist so that they can provide a feeling of security for immigrant communities and keep a stable relationship between immigrants and their local law enforcement. SB4 would treat minorities and immigrants with more judgment and persecution. Governor Abbott and Republicans in the Texas congress should realize that implementing a law with racial undertones such as SB4 would harm immigrant communities and make minorities feel less safe. SB4 would play into people’s fear and would cause people to report and accuse people of being undocumented. The bond between local law enforcement and communities of color would be further strained than they already have become. SB4 would throw more gasoline on the fire on an already daunting trust problem. During the 2016 presidential election, then candidate Donald Trump brought up cases of where immigrants were originally detained many times for committing crimes but released due to sanctuary city policy. A particular case was when a young Kate Steinle was shot by Juan Francisco Lopez-Sanchez in a San Francisco pier while she was on vacation was being