Having a job is not easy, there are a lot of challenges, and we will face in this career. Working is different from school, because in the work you are more serious in handling responsibility. And there are many things need to be more prioritize in work than school. But in school, we already learned how to be organized, especially when we are doing theses. We organized our papers and file needed for us to be passed our …show more content…
Through organizing we knew which is task needs to prioritize, we become familiar and confident to any task we need to do. Through this we do our job properly and completed, and these help us to lessen our mistakes or miss some important task.
We as a worker, if we want to be succeed in our career. We should learn how to organized, because this is one of the achiever do for them to succeed and for them to achieve their goals. But how can we become organize at work?
These are the secrets for us to be organized:
1. Create a to-do list, for us to easily find which task is important. We must list them on our planner, excel or use sticky notes. Use this as your reference for you to be able to prioritize your work and help you to handle your time well.
2. Prioritize important things; you must do the task need to be done. Work smoothly and lessen doing a lot of tasks at the same time, because it is hard for you to deal with many tasks at the same time.
3. Better to know yourself, you must know when is the right day for you can do that task. And if you have a low energy, it is better for you to work on the small and easier tasks. The best time for you to handle challenging task when you have a lot of