1. The Six Practice Principles of IMR
a. Recovery is defined by the individual
b. Education about mental illnesses and their treatment is a foundation of informed decision-making
c. Understanding the stress-vulnerability model can help guide illness management
d. Collaborating with professionals and significant others helps consumers achieve recovery goals
i. Decision to involve others is always consumer’s choice
e. Relapse prevention planning reduces relapse and re-hospitalizations
f. Consumers can learn new strategies
2. Five Core Values of IMR Relationship
a. Hope and Recovery
b. Consumers are their own expert
i. Do not lecture! ii. Summarize iii. Examples iv. Take turns reading
c. Emphasize personal choice
d. Establish a collaborative partnership
e. Demonstrate respect
i. Respect beliefs and find common ground
3. What is recovery?
a. Recovery varies from consumer to consumer
b. Three steps of recovery process
i. Help define what recovery means to consumer ii. Identify strategies to aid in recovery process iii. Set and pursue goals
4. Practical Facts about Mental Illness
a. Ways to respond to stigma
i. Educate yourself about mental illness and help consumers do the same ii. Correct misinformation iii. Help consumers realize there is hope iv. Help consumers become involved in their treatment
b. What causes mental illness?
i. Chemical imbalance ii. Genetic predisposition iii. Stress
c. How are mental illnesses diagnosed?
i. Done by a professional ii. Asked questions about symptoms
1. Symptoms vary iii. Physical test
d. Understanding mental illness
i. Motivational Techniques
1. Help see that illness is not set in stone
2. Hope and recovery is possible ii. Cognitive strategies
1. Encourage illness education
2. Modify negative beliefs
a. Positive self-statements iii. Educational tools
1. Providing handouts with facts about illnesses
2. Discuss and ask questions about material
3. Relate material with own lives
e. Specific Mental Illness
i. Schizophrenia
1. Hallucinations- false perceptions (5 senses)
2. Delusions- false beliefs
3. Thought disorder- confused thinking
4. Disorganized behavior
5. Catatonic behavior- immobile for a long period of time
6. Negative symptoms
7. Cognitive difficulties
8. Decline in social functioning ii. Mood Disorders
1. Depression
a. Feeling sad or blue
b. Problems with appetite
c. Sleeping disturbances
d. Low energy levels
e. Feelings of hopelessness and guilt
f. Interference with social lives
2. Bipolar disorder
a. Mania
i. Feeling extremely happy/excited/grandiose ii. Sleeping less iii. Talking very fast iv. Racing thoughts
v. Extremely active vi. Faulty judgement
b. Psychotic symptoms
5. The Stress-Vulnerability Model
a. Both stress and biology impact mental illness
i. Important to be aware of factors that consumers have control over ii. Some factors we can’t control
b. Stress
i. Both positive and negative life events ii. Can trigger onset of symptoms or worsen already existing ones iii. Impacts people in different ways
c. Biological vulnerability
i. People born with a tendency to develop an illness
1. Maladaptive chemical changes in a person’s brain
2. Genetic factors
3. Other biological factors
a. Prenatal exposure to a virus
d. Altering the Stress-Vulnerability Model
i. Three main treatments
1. Reduce/manage biological vulnerability
a. Address medical and psychiatric needs
b. Use medication
c. No drug abuse
2. Reduce stress
a. Using skills/support to prevent stress
b. Setting reasonable expectations
c. Avoiding negative situations
d. Healthy habits
e. Identify past triggers
3. Cope with stress more effectively
a. Break down tasks
b. Use relaxation techniques
c. Positive activities
d. Positive self-talk
e. Relationship between clinician and consumer
i. Each person is an expert in their own experience ii. Consumer should take lead iii. Consumers should make informed decisions about their treatment iv. Recovery is the main goal
1. Mental illness shouldn’t be