In What Ways Are Their Contributions Shaped By Nineteenth-Century

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1.) Describe the key contributions of early researchers of sexuality. In what ways are their perspectives shaped by nineteenth- century cultural ideologies?

Yamamoto senji undertook he first extensive sex surveys of males in japan. He found out that more than 33% of men in japan first sexual experience was with a prostitute. And that masturbation was a natural phenomenon and had no negative impact on men’s health. He was less concerned with a comprehensive theory of sex. He was interested in sexual reform. To show people have had wrong ideas about when and why they can and cant have sex until a certain time. It wanted to inform students about misbeliefs and correct beliefs about sex. The most influential thinkers shaping the western understandings of sex and sexuality was a founder of psychoanalysis. It was Sigmund freud. He theorized
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that they frame peoples sexual feelings, behaviors and identities that would define acceptable and unacceptable. “queer theory is a critical analysis of the social construction of sexuality, particularly the ideas of the sexual binary and essentialism;” I see arguments will arise against these perspectives because everyone sees everything differently. Homosexuals don’t like be categorized but yet they are. Butlter critiques the feminist movement of women that assert common characteristics and interests. Judith butler argues that gender, sex and sexuality are constructed through repetitive performances. Which is true. There is a lot of views and a lot of sides to pick. I plan on having open eyes and ears to see and listen about all these researchers. There is a lot to argue about but there is a lot of information to obtain. I believe in social construction cause Ive seen it with my own eyes. Ive seen people change over years and there friends group