Evidence to support my report on education.
Ethnic Minorities Achievement
EAL Co-ordinator: Kamal Ahmed -------------------------------------------------
Aims of the EMA Department
To ensure that all pupils, at whatever stage of English language development, may exercise their entitlement of access to the whole curriculum by:
• Identifying and targeting pupils who are underachieving as a result of English language development needs
• Ensuring that all staff recognise that the majority of our pupils at Mulberry would benefit will benefit from developing higher order English language skills
• Providing INSET to mainstream colleagues with the aim of raising awareness of linguistic issues and extending practical skills in the delivery of the curriculum
• Working with mainstream colleagues in order to devise teaching strategies and develop materials appropriate for developing higher language skills
• Liaising our work on higher language skills development with the work currently being implemented as a result of the National Literacy Strategy
• Developing the confidence and proficiency in English of bilingual learners and facilitating the acculturation process;
• Expanding our research and experience of EAL practice in this and other educational establishments to ensure an informed and flexible approach to learning for both teachers and pupils.
The EMA Office is room SL14, located at the end of the Support for Learning corridor. The EAL Learning Room is located next door in room SL13.
Promoting Higher Language Skills across the curriculum
We collaborate with mainstream teachers across the curriculum to:
• Influence schemes of work and include English Language learning
• Establish partnership teaching
• Enhance all teacher practice and ensure correct modelling of standard English
We provide support to mainstream teachers by:
• Planning strategies with teachers to develop English language skills in EAL/EMA pupils
• Assisting with differentiated materials
Teaching English as an Additional Language (EAL)
The EMA department runs classes:
• Induction – structured English language teaching for newly arrived EAL students
• Junior English Tests (JET) – accredited English |Language course run as a KS4 option for EAL students
Some suggested strategies for EAL students:
• Encourage beginners to work with their peers in pairs or small groups
• Allow beginners to listen
• Avoid relying on other students to translate (although there may be times when translation is necessary)
• Learning English language and not the subject is the main focus for beginners
• You may provide “differentiated” work sheets or resources to help them with their English language
Special Educational Needs and Learning Support
Heads of Faculty: Rachel Wheeler and Annie Galloway
Aims of the SEN Department
The SEN department operates a ‘Policy for Including Pupils with Special Educational Needs’ as agreed with the whole staff of Mulberry School. This policy is concerned with pupils with special educational needs as defined by the Education Act of 1981:
“A child has special educational needs if he or she has a learning difficulty which calls for special educational provision to be made for him or her. He or she has learning difficulty if he or she has a significantly