Incivility: Etiquette and Basic Courtesy Behaviors Essay

Submitted By myishabrooks
Words: 410
Pages: 2


I was raised down south in Houston, Texas. Having good manners, respect and showing courtesy was not an option. I was taught to speak when entering a room, say please and thank you. It was not until I joined the VA Medical Center where I learned of the work incivility. According to Webster dictionary, incivility is the quality or state of being uncivil. The VA Medical Center has a yearly training that is mandatory for all employees about civility in the workplace. I never felt it was a need to teach how to be civil or act at a workplace or school, but times have changed. Not everyone was raised the same way with the same morals or code of conduct. Sometimes we need training to remind of the basic courtesy behaviors.
In my experience if you don’t have cavity in the work place or education system you will have an environment that is full of rude, disruptive ,intimidating individuals. Very hostile everyone is scared to make a comment or even suggest a comment, because of the negative or bullying that will take place after the comment is made. I found worker at the VA the incivility was higher than another job that I have ever works. I believe incivility was higher because employees felt unpaid, stressed, overworked and just unhappy. Incivility is a major damage to a work place or school environment; it spreads like a wild fire.
The article and the training that was provided on incivility I believe are very necessary and helpful. Sometimes it’s easy to know