Not only does it affect others but affects Junior too. Junior despises the drunks on the reservation because they have thrown their life away for just a bottle full of poison. “He left on Christmas Eve and came back on January 2nd” (150). “Drunk for a week, my father must have really wanted to spend those last five dollars...But he saved them for me it was beautiful and ugly thing” (151). Despite the facts, Juniors views his father like a failure and drinking is the only way he could cope with his emotions. Although he doesn’t get to spend quality time with his father he still feels loved. The smallest things give the biggest smiles. Even though Junior’s point of view of alcohol is hatred. His grandma has a different point of view among love and hate. For example, “Drinking would shut down my seeing and my hearing and my feeling. she used to say. Why would I want to be in the world if I couldn’t touch the world with all of my senses intact?” (158). Here, Junior interprets his grandmother’s words and they help him realize that drinking makes you a ghost inside the world. You end up losing hope in yourself and others. Since, Junior is viewing his father drink his heart away he has learned that drinking is away for you to isolate your loved ones and hurt them by the poor choices you have made. Likewise, the effects of alcoholism has hurt him and he refuses to even drink a