I took this from the most recent lesson, the Indian Removal and the Trail of Tears. I chose this concept because this happens all of the time now a days as well. We make decisions based on how they will affect us but don’t worry about how the effect they have on others. This happened with the Cherokee Indians and other tribes. Andrew Jackson knew that he wanted the land that the Indians had and he would do anything to get it. He didn’t care about how it would affect the Indians. He went against the Supreme Court, and moved the Indians by force. Then, by doing so he killed around 2,000 of them. It was a good decision in the eyes of President Jackson, but a horrible decision in the eyes of the Indians and the people who it directly affected. This is what happens when me make decisions that have negative effect on the people around us. An example of this is the fact that we had to write three concepts for this unit. Not really though, I actually didn’t mind