The most interesting thing I have learned about so far is the readings we have done in Christopher Columbus . And what he did to get the honor that we give him but he dose not deserve . My example is when he sailed from Spain to north American and killed all the Indians in is search for gold . If the Indians say they don't have gold at we they should not get killed for it .In 1492 the sail to the Bahama's a sailor named Rodrigo spotted the moon light shinning on land and said “It was an Island in the Caribbean sea”.But Christopher Columbus claimed he saw it the night before so he could have the reward. I think it is Interesting that we give him so much glory and even a holiday but he did not even deserve it for all the terrible things he did. My perspective has been changed a lot it makes me think what did our other American hero do that was dishonorable.
I'm very happy with my now . At first I was not because I could not aces edmodo until now that my Internet is back .But in a way I miss writing out all my assignments. I also wish to have a more clarity and structure to what we do . These challenges are effecting my learning because sometimes I don't really understand what we are suppose to be doing and the home work. I well fix these issues by
I don't have any problems with humanities so far . So instead I well talk about the joys of the class .First would be the magic stick . The teacher Mr. Whitaker is really fun . I like how we had a say