Ineffectiv Case Study In Nursing

Words: 510
Pages: 3

During clinical for my associate degree in nursing there was this one student that did the bare minimal. If the assignment was for five care plans, she only did three or four. If the assignment was focused on neurological assessment she chose another. The professor was always talking to her after pre-conference. Her non-compliance related to coursework and equipment was affecting all the students. At the beginning of the clinical rotation we were paired. I still recall the other students talking about her attitude and that she made them uncomfortable. We were paired for two weeks until everyone acquired their stethoscope, scissors and penlight. This nurse never had her own stethoscope or penlight. After her third absence from clinical, I never saw her again. The professor gave verbal warnings, wrote her up and even lent her his stethoscope. As evident that the professor tried his best to work with her and everyone, he even gave me assistance on test taking. All these actions were …show more content…
399). The need to assess the nursing students state of preparedness is vital for proper patient care. Why is the student displaying reluctance to adhere to policies and be prepared? Are they stressed, underconfident, having family issues or just non-conforming? In the case I mentioned, we will never know, because the discussions between the student and the professor were not conveyed to us. But, “understanding nursing students’ knowledge, skills, and attitudes toward evidence-based practice is a critical step to successfully transforming the student’s culture to use best practices in nursing” (Shokry & Saleh, 2017, p. 23). If the student is compliant and prepared for clinical, this demonstrates that they are taking responsibility for what they have learned and are ready to apply it when practicing nursing and reflective of evidence-based