Inequalities Of Social Class

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Pages: 6

The inequalities in the economy between lower class individuals and higher class have a great effect on the healthcare that people receive. Lower income class individuals tend to have limited resources for mental health care. With limited or even sometimes no access to mental health care, proletariat individuals are at risk. This limitation can sometimes lead to more undiagnosed depression or mental health issues. Recently it has been seen that working class and lower income individuals have had a rise in suicide rates. In order to properly introduce the inequalities of the working class, an understanding of what a class is needs to defined in a sociological perspective. The definition that Macionis gives of the term class is "a social stratification based on both birth and individual achievement" (Macionis, 2015, p. 236). As Weber says "the differences in class are majorly impacted by income, power, and privileges" (Macionis, 2015, p.548). Economy or income plays a big factor in class. Macionis's definition of economy is wealth. The definition of wealth is "the total value of money and other assets, minus outstanding debts" (Macionis, 2015, p.584). Inequalities of economy can be defined as whether or not a person having a job, being on welfare, and or having what society defines as basic needs. Societies basic needs are defined as having water, food, …show more content…
Through letters to local and state representatives rate of suicides in the less advantaged people of the United States can be changed. In order to proceed, Americans, specifically people who hold more say, need to speak up, such as CEO's and those who have seats on the government. Without affordable medical care, these individuals cannot afford to go see a counselor or psychologist. Why would they need this? In order to combat suicidal thoughts, depression, or bipolar disease medication is usually necessary. Without these medications, the suicide rate will just