Inequality In The Gilded Age

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Pages: 5

SIMILARITIES BETWEEN GILDED AGE AND TODAY A number of conditions exist today that are strikingly similar to the Gilded Age. These parallels focus on five areas: inequality, discrimination, immigration sentiments, extreme partisan politics, and reduction in regulations on business.
Inequality. Wealth and income inequality are at historic levels. Jane Yellen (2014), Federal Reserve Chairperson, expresses grave concern about the increase in inequality in a recent speech, noting that the widening inequality is the result of significant income and wealth gains for the top and stagnant living for the majority of Americans. She compares the rise in inequality to that found in the 19th century. She said in a speech in 2014 “By some estimates, income and wealth inequality are near their highest levels in the past 100 years, much higher than the average during that time span and probably higher than much of American history before then” (Yellen 2014). She went on to say “I think it is appropriate to ask whether this trend is compatible with values rooted in our nation’s history, among them the high value Americans have traditionally placed on equality of opportunity. The superrich have benefited the most from economic gains the past few decades.” (Yellen 2014). According to Yellen (2014), 100 people now have
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Just as during the Gilded Age, discrimination against women continues to exist. A recent media report said women earn 0.79 for every dollar men earn, even when performing similar work (Harmann, Hegewisch, Phil, Gault, Chirillo, and Clark 2016). . In fact, regardless of how one examines the data, consistently women earn less than men in major occupational. For instance, women earn less than men in the 20 most female-dominated occupations as well as in the 20 most male-dominated occupations (Hegewisch, Phil, and Williams-Baron 2017). Minority groups continue to allege disparate treatment, from lack of adequate education to access to higher paying