one of the Theories that I have about the conical spiral is that people generally live life in circles. Obviously we're not set on a monotone path doomed to relive our experiences over and over again, but as time passes we find ourselves, or at least I do, cycling through habits, addictions, feelings, life etc. By no means however, are any of these cycles permanent but the older you get the harder it is to break away thus symbolizing the much wider part of the cone. I like to view it as the spiral infinitely spinning with a conveyor belt following the path of time. It is not digging through space since time theoretically doesn't exist and it doesn't have anywhere to go. The cosmos are set on their own path, maybe on their own conical spiral and perhaps ours simply rides their conveyor belt, but everything is born at the vertex of the spiral. before i deviate into other sub-theories, this path could very well represent our lives. when we are young time is overwhelming for us. We cycle thru much quicker in our beginning of time than near our end. For an extreme example, to a new born baby, or even a toddler, one hour is worth much more of their currently existed life time, proportionally, than to my grandpa; (which is why you shouldn't put toddlers in time-out for too long lol). Anyways, each time we pass Cosine or what have you, we are living/experiencing a cycle and each consecutive cycle after is about 1.5x longer than before. during these cycles we naturally feel the need to change, to learn, break our habits or adapt new ones before the next cycle. Perhaps we may come across a situation that we've