Influences Between Zoramites Prayer And Alama's Prayer

Words: 395
Pages: 2

Directed Study (Alama 30-35) The main differnces between Zoramites prayer and Alama’s prayer was that the people of Zoramites built a synagogues and a place where only one person could stand higher than the rest and that person would lift up their hands and say a repetitive prayer. They would only do that prayer once a week. But with Alama he cried out and told the Lord that he was upset and told the Lord is issues. He asked him for strength and also to stregthen the people he was with. It was a more sincere prayer. In Alama 34:17-27 he talked about all the different ways we can talk to the Lord and he said there is no limited to what we can talk to him about or even where we can talk to the Lord. One thing that I think is worth mentioning,