Influenza Vaccination Proposal Essay

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Pages: 3

Evidence Based Practice: Reduced Influenza Vaccination Compliance
Annual influenza vaccination compliance among healthcare workers is low. Therefore, Moore (2009) implemented a nonexperimental, retrospective survey study to determine reasons for vaccination declination by healthcare workers who declined the influenza vaccine. Responses to this survey varied among health care workers. According to Moore (2009), “the most common reasons were the belief that the vaccine would cause illness in the recipient, the belief that the vaccine would be ineffective, fear of an allergic reaction, and the sense of confusion or inconvenience around receiving the vaccine” (p. 478). The results of this study determined a greater need for education among healthcare staff and increased time availability for staff to have access to vaccinations.
Type of Research
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Qualitative data is best used to discover trends with regards to thoughts and opinions. As a result, a nonexperimental, retrospective study design “was initiated to better understand why 35% or 2,971 healthcare workers at the institution declined the influenza vaccination” (Moore, 2009, p. 475). Qualitative data is characteristically collected through the use of a survey, observations, or interviews. Therefore, the use of qualitative data collection was applied to this study because of the need to understand the participant’s thoughts, feelings, or reasoning as to why they are inclined to decline the influenza vaccine. This study also utilized a quantitative design as evidenced by the need to identify frequency of responses. According to Trakalo (2015), “Quantitative research uses precise measurement to collect data and to analyze it statistically” (p. 2586). Therefore, this research study has aspects of both quantitative and qualitative research