Information management system Essay

Submitted By AziArdakani
Words: 5515
Pages: 23

Executive summary:
E-commerce refers to buying or selling over the internet and it can be very efficient for building relationships between vendors and retailers. There are many different forms of e-commerce and all have impact on retailers. There are many supply chain benefits in having one supplier compared to multiple vendors as strong relationships can lead to improved prices.
Wireless capabilities has broadend customer payment options.
Suitable payment option is e-cash which can allow for automatic table transactions but can lead to some ethical concerns.
M-commerce is better functionality for front and back end activities
Increased customer service through innovative uses of current technologies
Introduction of new technology needs to aline with top management strategies
Interactive way of doing business by knowing the customer perceptions
Will help to improve the accuracy of costing and pricing of the menu items
Operational efficiency
Help to reduce overheads e-commerce can improve supplier-customer relationships, there are a number of different ways value can be added
CRM systems can be very benifitial for improving customer relationships.


B2C – Business-to-Customer
Business to customer is the most general e-commerce type for clients. That involves of businesses selling goods to clients. (Laudon and Tarver, 2008)Wireless Café is a leading e-retailer that sells products to clients. This cafe committed to becoming the most trusted and loved virtual cafe on the web by offering stellar customer service, superior shopping experience, and rapid delivery.
In Business-to-Customer sales, the individual client has a smaller amount loyalty to the businesses. Due to confidentiality concerns, individual clients are fewer likely to share private information with the companies they do business. B2C relations are harder to build because they are generally a shorter time, sometimes lasting only the time it takes to make one purchase. Clients always make their purchases rapidly and go on to other web sites.
B2C marketing features:
Dealings through the seller to the end client. Focus on brand management.
Huge number of in the main similar clients.
Little transactions.
Linear selling process, usually of short duration.
Sales action fixed on the end client.
B2B – Business-to-Business
Business-to-Businessis the biggest form of e-commerce in the markets now. B2B consists of businesses selling goods and services to other businesses (Laudon and Tarver, 2008).Our wireless cafe is the largest food distribution centrein Shanghaithat sells foods over the Internet.
The main significant part of marketing is to make good relationships with customers. “In B2B or business to business this requires a commitment of time and good customer service prior to ever making that first sale.” (Warholic, 2007, p.1).
Business buyers are accustomed to providing “data about their companies and job functions” when “registering for trade shows or subscribing to business and trade publications.” (Furlong, 2007, p. 3). This exchange of data is common practice between businesses allowing for the building of trusting relationships. Business customers tend to set up accounts with the vendor from whom they purchase which again deepens the relationship. The B2B relationship tends to be one that lasts for some time.
B2B Marketing features:
Dealings among and within value chains.
Little numbers of clients, a lot of requiring personalized marketing, including customized products and prices.
Great clients with powerful market power.
In B2b customers are complex or they are business competitors.
Large-unit transactions. generally varying client types and client requirements complex selling processes deep partnership with clients
Ecommerce can reduce the work cost such as documentations, correction and error detection, telephone calling, mail preparation, data entry, management of expenses

Marketing B2B