Since my childhood, I have been loving explaining a concept to my friend. I have been loving writing on the board and seeing my friends behind me. I do not hesitate when someone ask me to help him or her to understand a topic. I love reading what does not appear in the textbooks. I enriched …show more content…
The professor should have the ability to think outside the box in order to explain a concept to his or her students. This skill can be improved by looking for different resources and by analysing different teaching strategies. Thus, the continuous learning is not always about the field of studies. It goes beyond that because it involves analysing the background of students in terms of psychology, culture, and ability to grasp the information. A professor should have the ability to explain hard concepts in an easy way to help the students to understand it because they way of explaining reflects the understanding of the concept by the professor himself or herself. In addition, the professor should be open-minded because sometimes students know what the professor does not know, so the flow of information should be in both …show more content…
I would like to inform you that I am taking a professional communication as a class this semester. We were assigned to make an interview with an expert from the field that we are interested in working on. Since my dream job is being a professor, I would like to make a short interview with 10 questions about your experience in teaching at Al Akhawayn University in Ifrane. Looking forward for a positive reply.
Sincerely yours,
Ahmed Lekssays
Thank you Letter:
Subject: Thank you for the Informational Interview
Dear professor,
I would like to thank you for your valuable time. It was an honor for me to see my dream job from the perspective of a successful professor here at Al Akhawayn University. It was an enriching experience thanks to the valuable information that you shared with us in this interview. Wishing you more success in your mission as a professor and