Informative Essay On Autism

Words: 1006
Pages: 5

Sharday Preyer
Engwr 300
Prof. Treiber
Paper 2 defines autism as a complex neurobehavioral condition. defines autism as a neurodevelopmental disorder. To someone who is dealing with a family member with autism it can be defined as a challenge. When I was 12 years old my little sister jasmine was born. She didn’t do what other babies did. Most times people would say she was a lazy baby. She took forever to learn how to hold her head up or to roll over. When she was one years old she still wasn’t walking and my mom knew something was wrong. My mom took my sister to the doctors and she was told that my sister had autism.
Partially autistic is what they called my sister because she “wasn’t as bad as other kids were”; and they couldn’t figure out where on the autism spectrum she was.
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If she had taken the time to try to help her; she might’ve learned the things she was having trouble with earlier. But my mom didn’t have support herself. She had the support of her other children but she didn’t have anyone who knew what she was going through or could offer support or advice from an adult perspective. She felt alone in her plight to help her child. Much like the mother of Temple Grandin she was given the choice of fighting for her daughter or giving up. Temple Grandin’s mother fought viciously and whole heartily for her daughter. My mother did not have that same mother saw the challenge it was and she gave up. Many people have autism now-a-days. Some may call it a disorder, a malfunction, or a challenge. I never saw it as any of those. I simply saw my sister. I saw this child that I loved more than anything who needed someone to fight for her. She needed someone to try and someone to never give up. Even as a child myself I tried valiantly to be that person for my sister. I saw it as another opportunity to show my sister that I love her. I saw it as just another hurdle in