Reality TV started to become popular in Spain around 2000. After the season one finale of “Operation Triumph” it began to become much more popular. Some reality TV shows that have been popular and are still popular in Spain include: “Gran Hermano,” “Supervivientes,” “Pekín Express,” and “Mira Quien Salta”. Carmen Ferreiro says …show more content…
I forget that shows such as “American Idol” or “X Factor” are considered reality TV shows as well. So I have mixed feelings about reality TV shows because I do not watch many of them, the one I watched the most was “X factor”. I can understand how reality TV is so popular however, mainly because it gives the viewer a sense of comfort to see other people facing similar problems as themselves. However, this is not always a good thing, because reality TV shows can affect people’s lives dramatically. Furthermore, they have to live with a camera in their face all the time and have many different experiences recorded for millions of people to see. Based on what I read in the articles above, I agree that reality TV will continue to shift towards a more “pure” version, because it is more relatable for the