Well this situation made me really angry that i felt like doing that.As a preteen melba was walking home alone by herself. All of a sudden she cuts a field, hears a voice, a male voice. As the male voice got closer and closer he started chasing her. Melba ran as fast as she could but the man caught her and start ripping her clothes. Melba’s life flashed before her eyes as we speak. Even though melba was weak,as a true warrior she still managed to fight through it until she was saved by a person who went to the same school. They ran till they found freedom.A strong, brave, and independent leader is someone you need to listen to. You need to hear their story. Throughout her harrowing ordeal, melba was taunted by her schoolmates and their parents. She was threatened a lynch mob’s rope and attacked with lit sticks of dynamite.In the midst of all her troubles she stood strong and fought her own battles. Still today she tells her story of dealing with so much and also telling others that “Warriors Don’t