This creates an increase in demand for the products, and per the laws of supply and demand, the price also increases. Therefore, a previously affordable staple food, that was traditionally affiliated to and consumed by a specific group of people, is suddenly financially inaccessible. This research paper will be a development of my Pecha Kucha argument surrounding why hot dogs are an example of food gentrification. The rebranding and transformation of hot dogs to gourmet hot dogs incorporate elements related to food gentrification, specifically foodies, omnivores, authenticity, exoticism, democracy, and distinction. Ultimately, food gentrification is sociological because at its core it creates a significant social impact; it is a phenomenon that results in the inequality of a particular group through the intentional or unintentional food practices that benefit another. Hot dogs are a lower and working-class product that was rendered “trendy” and turned gourmet by middle and upper-class persons that comprise the foodie