Just what it looks like, and what to tell the client. Despite the fact that cosmetologist can check the scalp area that their client cannot see. As a result of this several different organizations are forming so dermatologist team up with cosmetologist to sit through an educational program. These programs teach the license practitioners what to look for when it comes to skin cancer. And maybe talk to their clients if they suspect their clients of having it. It’s not only a positive thing to spot a potential skin cancer blemish but to also to tell the client to go to a medical professional. Multiple people trust their hair dresser, they may even ask for advice. With this kind of bond someone would trust their beautician when it came to something so serious. A numerous amount of medical professionals have told researchers that a good number of their patients were told to go see a doctor by their hair dresser. Checking for skin cancer on the scalp is typically over looked on a normal doctor’s visit. This is another example of how skin cancer affects cosmetologist’s line of work. Doctors have even considered asking if cosmetologist would be willing to go into a training program in spotting all the different types of skin cancer. Some are already working for these programs in the state of Massachusetts. Let’s just hope this can be a national